Dutch Data Masters
Receiving a early Christmas card from Bertsch Innovation, just before the 5th of December.
That’s typically Bertsch Innovation, doing thinks just a little different, sending “Fröliche Nikolausgrüsse”
with all the best wishes for Christmas and next year.
At the back of the card there was a printed recipe for Honiglebkuchen, all the ingredients were mentioned. It’s up to the baker to achieve the best result. The baker can create his own taste by just adding a little more of one of the ingredients. It looks like the mediacockpit, all the ingredients are available and as partner of Bertsch Innovation we help the user by cooking his own PIM system.
In the Netherlands we celebrate Sint Nikolaas on the 5th, in Germany’Der Nikolaustag’ on the 6th of december. It is based on the same historical story of Nicolaas of Myra.
To be honest I never heard or tasted a “Honiglebkuchen” so I planned to bake these cookies. At home, during dinner timer I talked about my idea to bake the “Kuchen”. My son became enthusiastic and started collecting al the ingredients and gave his own twist to the “Honiglebkuchen”.
When I tasted the result it tasted similar to the cookies we eat during Sinterklaas in the Netherlands, they were great! Would recommend all of you to bake your own ‘Honiglebkuchen’!
Dutch Data Masters wishes all of you a merry Christmas and a happy 2018
René Cleijpool
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